Inger Lenau

NEWS 2013

Kids Art Club Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery

click on Art Workshops For Children in menu on left


School Term 4 Saturday Workshops and
School Holiday Program
workshops for 7-12 year olds 
Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th September
Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd October
 all enquiries and bookings
contact Inger Lenau 0439 912 779


May 2013

Art Workshop with Disabilities Art Group (DAG) Coffs Harbour. Painting, Collage and Mixedmedia Combining lots of different materials with acrylic paints gives you a chance to create structure, pattern, texture, lines, perspective and depth in your pictures. You will be introduced to a variety of materials: pencil, charcoal, crayons, cutting and pasting from magazines and textiles and applying acrylic paints, using all sorts of techniques to create the pictures you want. It takes time to find your individual way of expressing yourself. By experimenting and playing around you can suddenly discover new aspects of your creativity, producing something unique to you.

All bookings to Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre 22 Earl Street PO Box 1257 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 +61 2 6648 3694 Email:

It takes time to find your individual way of expressing yourself. By experimenting and playing around you can suddenly made from natural ochres I have collected and processed to a palette of subtle colours. It is an ongoing project and a slow one.

Additionally there are16 works on paper in acrylics, 12 in white frames, 4 in black frames. These works are reflections on colour and light in the landscapes surrounding me. I have always worked with acrylics both on paper and canvas. Here the process is faster and more spontaneous, working with multiple pictures at a time that result in a series of works.

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